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symptoms of feline mastitis

The main symptoms of feline mastitis include: breast hyperplasia and enlargement, redness, swelling, and pain, discharge from the nipples, and frequent licking of the mammary area. Additionally, some cats may exhibit high fever, loss of appetite, and depression. Generally, mastitis is more common in cats before and after childbirth and in older cats. Cats with mastitis usually require medication for treatment.

Symptoms of Acute Feline Mastitis

Acute feline mastitis usually occurs after giving birth, and clinical symptoms include redness, swelling, fever, skin tension, firmness on palpation, and hot pain. Moreover, the mother cat may refuse to let her kittens nurse, resulting in decreased or stopped milk production, followed by increased body temperature. When such problems are detected, it is generally recommended that owners send their cats to a pet hospital for professional treatment.

Symptoms of Chronic Feline Mastitis

The main symptoms of chronic feline mastitis are breast atrophy and loss of milk production. One or more nipples may become hard, and forced compression can produce secretions. General systemic symptoms are usually not obvious.

Note: To determine the exact diagnosis of mastitis, it can be diagnosed based on medical history, clinical symptoms, milk examination, and pathogen culture and isolation.