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Symptoms of Canine Mastitis

Symptoms of canine mastitis mainly include: fever, loss of appetite, depression, dehydration, frequent licking of the mammary area, swollen, congested, and hardened breasts. Touching the dog's breasts will feel hard, swollen, and warm. Most dogs will experience pain, and there may be a discharge of pus-like or bloody fluid from the nipples. If canine mastitis is not treated in time, it is likely to form cysts, and in severe cases, it may develop into tumors.

Early Symptoms of Canine Mastitis

Early symptoms of canine mastitis mainly include: hardened breasts, congested mammary glands, warm to the touch, and swollen lymph nodes on the breasts. As the disease progresses, mastitis can be divided into two types: acute mastitis and chronic mastitis. The main symptoms of acute mastitis are increased body temperature, decreased appetite, and lying down continuously due to systemic symptoms. The characteristic symptoms of chronic mastitis are the formation of cysts in breast tissue, which may even develop into tumors.

Symptoms of Mastitis in Unspayed Dogs

Symptoms of mastitis in unspayed dogs mainly include redness, swelling, heat, and pain in the subcutaneous mammary area. Additionally, it may also cause changes in the dog's mental and appetite status. Mastitis is mainly caused by bacterial infection of the mammary glands. Depending on the severity, clinical manifestations vary greatly. During palpation, the glands may show obvious redness, heat, hardness, significant swelling, or obvious pain reactions. In some severe cases, the dog may even develop mastitis abscesses.