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Feline Urethral Prolapse

A feline urethral prolapse occurs when the genitals are exposed. The reason for this exposure is likely that your cat is in heat. During this period, cats exhibit unusual behaviors such as excessive meowing, not using the litter box, urinating everywhere, displaying their genitals, and being mentally stimulated, restless, and wandering around. They may also lose their appetite or stop eating altogether.

How long does adulthood take?

Cats become adults at one year old, and they usually experience their first heat between 6 and 8 months. Male cats are typically attracted to females when they smell or hear their scent or calls. When a female cat is in heat, she will emit unusual meows and may become more irritable, occasionally urinating randomly. Male cats typically display their heat by spraying urine everywhere and leaving the house to search for female cats.

Do cats go into heat in the winter?

Cat heat cycles are related to weather and sunlight. Wild cats usually begin to heat up after the winter solstice. However, since modern housecats live indoors and are less sensitive to sunlight, and the weather is now warmer than before, it is still possible for them to go into heat during the winter. For male cats, they can go into heat at any time.

How to handle heat?

When your cat is in heat, you can use a cat toy or ball to attract their attention, stroke them more often, and offer a variety of cat cans or wet food to help ease their mood and help them get through their heat cycle. During this time, female cats are prone to uterine swelling and vulnerability, so avoid using cotton swabs to rub them during their heat cycle. Male cats are very sensitive during their heat, so be careful not to get scratched or bitten.