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How to Prevent Cats from Scratching People

Preventing cats from scratching people can be achieved by giving them a lesson when they scratch. You can gently tap the cat's head, reprimand it loudly, and ignore it. Spraying the cat with a water gun can also be effective as cats are afraid of water. This will make them feel punished and gradually become more behaved and stop scratching people. Cats may scratch their owners because they want to play, but the way they do it can easily lead to injuries.

Why do cats like to scratch people?

Cats may feel that their owners are playing with them, and they extend their claws as a way to play. Owners need to find a way to make the cat understand the difference between play and harm. Cats may not like someone's proximity and use their claws to prevent them from getting too close. Cats may also scratch people when they are sick, in heat, or due to other factors that cause them to be moody.

How to teach cats not to extend their claws

Cats will extend their claws when seeking something they want or when protecting themselves. To prevent them from doing so, you must first control their desire for a particular object and make them feel secure. You can set up corresponding commands, manually press back their claws and reward them with food, repeating this training to create a reflexive response.

What to do if the cat scratches

If the owner is scratched and bleeding, they should go to the epidemic prevention station for vaccination. If the wound only shows redness and swelling, the owner does not need to get a vaccine, but should disinfect and inflammation measures should be taken to the wound. If the cat has been vaccinated against rabies and is a domesticated cat who has not fought with other cats, the likelihood of the cat contracting rabies is very low, and the owner may not need to get a vaccine.