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How to raise a newborn kitten without a mother cat
If a newborn kitten does not have a mother cat to care for it, the owner should take on the role of the cat mother and ensure the kitten's warmth, feed it with cat milk, and stimulate it to defecate. At this stage, the kitten's body is relatively weak, and the owner needs to spend more time accompanying and taking care of it, which is beneficial to the kitten's growth and development. Newborn kittens do not have the ability to defecate independently and normally require the mother cat to lick their bottoms to stimulate defecation.
- Keep the kitten warm
Newborn kittens have low body temperatures, and owners should provide them with a warm environment. Placing a light bulb next to the kitten's nest can help maintain its body temperature. Using soft materials to make the nest and, if necessary, using an electric blanket to increase the kitten's body temperature are also good ideas. However, attention should be paid not to exceed a suitable temperature to avoid burning the kitten.
- Feed the kitten with cat milk
If the kitten cannot be breastfed, the owner can use a syringe under the guidance of a doctor to feed the kitten milk. This provides the necessary nutrients for the kitten's body to grow and develop normally. However, during the feeding process, attention should be paid to feeding on time and in quantity. Overfeeding should be avoided to prevent the kitten from experiencing discomfort.
- Stimulate the kitten to defecate
Newborn kittens do not have the ability to defecate independently. Normally, the mother cat licks the kitten's bottom to stimulate defecation. If there is no mother cat, the owner can use running warm water to wash the kitten's bottom, which can stimulate defecation. During the feeding period, the owner should provide the kitten with a warm and comfortable living environment and regularly disinfect and clean the living space to reduce the breeding of parasites, which is beneficial to the kitten's health. The kitten should also drink more warm water to accelerate its metabolism and promote its health.