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How to distinguish between male and female kittens at birth

Male and female kittens can be distinguished by observing the shape of their reproductive organs and the distance between the reproductive organs and the anus. First, if the kitten's reproductive organs are linear or teardrop-shaped, it is a female; if they are round, it is a male. Second, if the reproductive organs are farther from the anus, it is a male; if they are closer to the anus, it is a female. Additionally, if the owner finds it difficult to distinguish between the sexes at this time, they can wait until the kittens grow a bit and the sexual characteristics become more prominent at around 3-4 months. Male kittens will have testicles covered by the scrotum, which feels like two ball-like objects below the anus, while female kittens do not have them.

  1. Observe the shape of the reproductive organs

Usually, the reproductive organs of female cats are linear or teardrop-shaped, while male cats have round genitals. Therefore, the owner can gently pull apart the genitals below the kitten's anus. If it looks like a split, it indicates a female; if it looks like a round dot, it's a male.

  1. Observe the distance between the reproductive organs and the anus

Typically, the distance between the reproductive organs and the anus is closer in female cats, about one finger width apart. There is a long vertical vaginal opening below the anus, and the urethra is inside the vaginal opening. In male cats, the distance between these two is farther apart. The testicles and penis are located below the anus, and the testicles will significantly enlarge after 2-5 months. At this point, the owner can directly hold the kitten and check for testicles. If there are any, it's a male.