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How to raise a Pomeranian as a beginner
The Pomeranian is a popular small breed of dog known for their friendly and active personality. When raising a Pomeranian, it's important to note their daily feeding amount, regularly deworm them, and get them vaccinated against infectious diseases and rabies. Bathing them once a week is sufficient, as their long coat requires careful trimming and maintenance. Although they have a long coat, it's essential to keep them warm in winter to prevent sickness.
Pomeranians are a small breed, but individual differences exist. Most Pomeranians are white or yellow, and they are known to be lively and affectionate towards humans. However, due to their small size, they tend to bark frequently. Therefore, consider your living environment before deciding to raise a Pomeranian. Most Pomeranians are timid and easily scared, so it's necessary to undergo socialization training during their growing period.
When raising a Pomeranian, beginners need to pay special attention to their vaccines. vaccination can start when a Pomeranian is two months old. As long as the dog's health is good, they should receive a vaccine every 21 days. One week after the third vaccine, a rabies vaccine can be administered. Half a month to a month after completing the three vaccines for infectious diseases, an antibody test is recommended. If the antibody level is insufficient, a booster dose is necessary. One week after the vaccination, you can bathe your dog.
Pomeranians have a small body size and don't require much food. Be cautious not to overfeed them. When a young Pomeranian first arrives home, they may need to be fed wet dog food that's been soaked in water. Once they get used to it, you can gradually switch to regular dog food. Start with small, frequent meals which can help Pomeranians digest their food better, reducing loose stools. However, avoid excessive meals throughout the day. This is also a vulnerable period for their gastrointestinal tract, so you can combine probiotics to help nourish them.