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How to teach your cat to use the toilet

How to teach your cat to use the toilet: The simplest way is to put your cat together with a cat that already knows how to use the toilet, and it will learn quickly. If not, introduce your cat to the litter box and let it touch the litter. When your kitten is ready to go to the bathroom, pick it up and gently place it in the litter box. Use clean paper towels to pick up some litter that has cat poop on it and let your cat smell it, then put it back in the litter box. Encourage your cat with positive reinforcement after it uses the litter box correctly, so it will develop the habit of using it.

When can kittens start using litter: After kittens can walk and toilet independently, they can begin training to use litter. Kittens raised by mother cats will learn to use litter under their mothers' guidance. If there is no mother cat, owners can also teach their cats. Each time the cat wants to go to the bathroom, place it in the litter box. After it finishes going to the bathroom, guide it to cover the feces. With repeated training, it will learn to do so.

How to place litter: Litter should be placed in a litter box, and cats will use the litter box to go to the bathroom. This is a natural ability that cats are born with. Litter can be cleaned daily, and clumps of litter with feces and urine can be removed. Replace all the litter every three days. Choose litter that forms clumps well and has less dust.

How to teach your cat to use litter: Place a piece of paper towel with cat urine or feces underneath the litter. Bring your cat to the litter box area and let it enter the litter box. When it smells its own urine and feces, it will know that's where it should go to the bathroom. Observe your cat's bathroom habits and bring it to the litter box whenever it shows signs of going to the bathroom.