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How to Tell the Age of a Dog
To determine the age of a dog, mainly observe the wear and loss of the dog's teeth. Additionally, consider the dog's facial expression, posture, and fur. When a dog is 1 year old, all of its teeth have grown in; at 2 years old, some canine teeth may have tartar buildup; from 3 to 4 years old, tartar and tooth dirt can be clearly seen, and the lower jaw teeth begin to wear down. Around 5 years old, the tooth tips start to wear; at 6 years old, there is already a significant amount of tartar, and the canine teeth begin to weaken.
How to Tell a Dog's Age
Dogs' ages are usually estimated through their teeth. Puppies start growing milk teeth around 1 month old, and by about 1.5 months, all the milk teeth have grown in. Around 4 months old, the puppy canines start to fall out and are replaced by larger, permanent teeth. At 6 months, the molars begin to change. From 8 to 10 months old, all the teeth are replaced by permanent ones. As the dog ages, its teeth begin to wear down. The bottom incisor tips are worn down around 2 years old, the top incisor tips around 3 years old, and the upper and lower molars start to wear down and turn yellow between 4 and 5 years old. With age, the dog may also experience varying degrees of tooth loss.
How to Calculate a Dog's Age
The common method to determine a dog's age is through observing its teeth. Teeth observation can reveal the following ages:
- Only sharp, fine milk teeth: Less than 2 months old
- Starting to replace incisors: 2 to 4 months old
- Replacing canines: 4 to 6 months old
- Replacing molars: 6 to 10 months old
- All teeth grown in, white and bright: About 1 year old
- Bottom incisor tips worn down: About 2 years old
- Top incisor tips worn down: About 3 years old
- Upper and lower incisors starting to wear down and turn yellow: 4 to 5 years old
How to Make a Dog Live a Long Life
If a dog has a good physical condition and fewer illnesses, its lifespan will be longer. Owners should pay attention to their dog's diet and health:
- Regularly vaccinate, bathe, clean the dog's oral cavity and ears, and squeeze the anal glands.
- Maintain a regular diet, feeding at scheduled times each day, avoiding foods with high sugar and salt content.
- Take the dog to the veterinarian for regular checkups.