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How to Treat Blocked Tear Ducts in Cats
After a cat's tear ducts become blocked, the owner can use wet tissues or wet towels,化妆棉 dipped in water to wipe away the tear stains. If this is done consistently, the tear stains will lighten over time. Some tear-stain-removing cat foods are available for purchase, which can help improve the eye situation. Some cats have shorter or blocked tear ducts, which leads to heavy tear stains, especially in breeds like Persians. In more severe cases, surgery to unclog the nasolacrimal duct may be necessary.
Why Do Cats Have Tear Stains?
Cats are usually very clean, so tear stains are generally not seen. If tear stains are visible, it may be due to increased tear duct secretion caused by eye diseases, such as foreign body stimulation, conjunctivitis, or keratitis. It could also be caused by infection with certain infectious diseases, which increase the amount of eye discharge in cats. In either case, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian for inspection and appropriate treatment.
How to Remove Cat Tear Stains
The simplest way to remove cat tear stains is to use a hot towel to wipe the cat's eye area daily. If the tear stains around the cat's eyes are particularly stubborn, half-and-half mixture of starch and boric acid powder can be used for cleaning. First, mix the powders with warm water to form a paste, then carefully apply the paste to the stains around the Persian cat's eyes. Allow it to dry naturally, and once the paste is dry, brush it off and wipe the area clean with a towel.
What Should Cats Eat for Good Eye Health?
Cats benefit from consuming vitamins and minerals that are good for their eyes. Fresh fruits and vegetables can provide the necessary nutrients, such as rich vitamin content, especially vitamin A. Additionally, cats should pay attention to supplementing with taurine. Cats lacking taurine can experience deteriorating night vision.