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Do kittens get fever?

Kittens can also get fever, and the usual causes of increased body temperature in kittens include the following: feline infectious peritonitis, caused by a viral infection, leads to decreased mental and appetite status, and decreased resistance, followed by secondary pneumonia, resulting in increased body temperature in kittens. Inflammation caused by parvovirus infection, which destroys the structure and function of the intestine, causing an inflammatory response and increased body temperature in kittens.

Causes of fever in cats

Fever is caused by various pathogen infections in cats, including bacteria, viruses, mycoplasmas, fungi, etc. Second, common diseases that cause fever in cats include colds, pneumonia, bronchitis, etc. Third, cats are relatively tolerant and only show clinical symptoms when infected severely. Therefore, when owners discover that their cats have a fever, they should take their cats to the pet hospital for treatment promptly.

Symptoms of fever in cats

When a cat has a fever, it will exhibit symptoms such as lethargy, loss of appetite or complete loss, and depression. These symptoms are not characteristic and can be caused by many diseases. It is recommended to have a thermometer at home and measure the cat's temperature promptly when feeling hot. When measuring the temperature, place the thermometer in the cat's groin. A temperature below 39.2°C is considered a normal body temperature. If an abnormal temperature increase occurs, it is advised to seek medical attention promptly.

What to give cats with fever

There are no over-the-counter fever-reducing drugs for cats, but injectable medications are available. It is recommended to go to the hospital immediately to check what is causing the fever in cats. If the fever is caused by feline distemper, treatment should be started immediately, as the mortality rate of feline distemper is very high. Only by treating early can the survival rate of the cat be increased.