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Cat suddenly makes a loud noise

The common reasons for a cat to suddenly make a loud noise are as follows: first, sudden fright, such as the sound of a hairdryer, construction noise, etc. At this time, it is best not to touch it to avoid injury, and comfort it with soft words. Second, pain caused by external injuries, such as falling from a height, being hit hard, or being bitten, etc. After it calms down, carefully check the whole body to see if there is any obvious pain, and if so, go to the hospital for treatment in time.

When a cat suddenly makes a loud noise

If it is a kitten, it may be because it just left its mother or other companions and feels lonely. If it is an adult cat, it may keep calling because it is in heat. At this time, the owner can either let them mate or take them to the pet hospital for sterilization surgery. If neither of these options is applicable, it is best to take the cat to the pet hospital for inspection.

** Signs of a cat in heat**

During their heat cycle, cats will constantly meow, especially at night. In addition, cats may also urinate randomly at home, especially male cats. Female cats in heat will often raise their hindquarters high and rub against people nearby. Female cats usually go into heat twice a year, while male cats will show symptoms of heat as long as they smell the scent of a female cat in heat.

** Drugs to suppress a cat's heat**

First, legitimate hospitals do not carry such drugs. If there are any, they are likely to be fake drugs or hormones such as androgens, which can counteract the effects of estrogen and suppress the heat. Secondly, the most direct and effective way to stop a cat's heat is sterilization, which is now a routine procedure in many pet hospitals and clinics with high safety. Lastly, it is best not to believe in medications mentioned on the internet, as their effectiveness and toxicity are uncertain.