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Mother dog ignoring her puppies after giving birth

Mother dog ignoring her puppies after giving birth may be due to her first pregnancy, where she may not care for her puppies or know how to take care of them. In this case, the owner should closely observe the dog's condition to prevent the mother dog from injuring her puppies or attacking them. If the mother dog refuses to let her puppies nurse, you can put a Elizabeth collar on the dog and place the puppies near the nipples to nurse.

What to do if the mother dog ignores her puppies after giving birth

If the mother dog doesn't care for her newly born puppies, forcefully bring the puppies to her side. The first colostrum is extremely important for the puppies, as it contains a large amount of immunoglobulins that provide sufficient maternal antibodies to protect the puppies from sickness. If the mother dog still doesn't care for her puppies later on, you can feed them yourself using a small bottle filled with sheep's milk.

What if the mother dog eats her puppies

It is possible for a mother dog to eat her puppies, especially among first-time mothers. This usually occurs when the dog mother doesn't know how to handle her puppies and becomes anxious after giving birth, causing her to eat her own puppies. In this situation, the owner should stop the dog mother, put an Elizabeth collar on her to prevent her from hurting the puppies, and give her sugar and salt water to replenish her energy.

What to do if the mother dog won't breastfeed her puppies

If the mother dog has mastitis, breastfeeding can be very painful for her. This condition requires the dog to take oral or injectable antibiotics, and to find a foster mother for the puppies. If the mother dog has no milk, and the puppies suck on the nipples causing her pain, you can feed her some carp soup, soybean congee, or pig's foot soup to promote milk production. In cases where the mother dog is first-time mother and lacks maternal instincts, you can only slowly help her feed the puppies and stimulate her maternal instincts.