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Rabies Vaccine When Your Dog Has a Cold

It is not advisable to give a rabies vaccine when your dog has a cold. The dog must be in perfect health to receive the vaccine, as the vaccine itself is a virus. If the dog's physical condition is poor and its immunity is compromised, getting the vaccine may lead to the dog becoming ill. The rabies vaccine is used to prevent rabies in dogs and cats. The dog must be at least 3 months old to receive the vaccine, and it is generally given by subcutaneous injection.

Hazards of Vaccinating a Sick Dog

Vaccines can be divided into weakened vaccines and inactivated vaccines. Weakened vaccines, also known as attenuated live vaccines, can stimulate cells to produce interferon. Inactivated vaccines are pathogenic microorganisms that retain their immunogenicity after being killed by physical methods. Administering a vaccine involves injecting a virus into the dog's body. The dog's immunity will decrease after the injection, and the vaccine should only be given when the dog has a good appetite and normal bowel movements to avoid exacerbating the cold while affecting the vaccine's response.

Rabies Vaccination Time

Young dogs can usually receive their first rabies vaccine between 45-50 days. Before the vaccination, some routine checks are needed to ensure that the dog is in good health. The first year of vaccination involves four doses, including three doses of vaccines to prevent viruses such as distemper and coronavirus, and one dose of rabies vaccine. The vaccination intervals are approximately 15-21 days apart, with the last dose being able to include both the rabies vaccine and the vaccines to prevent distemper and coronavirus.

How Long Does the Rabies Vaccine Take to Work?

Usually, dogs will produce sufficient antibodies 14 days after receiving the rabies vaccine. After 14 days, you can take the dog to the pet hospital for an antibody test. If antibodies are already present in the dog's body, only one additional rabies vaccine is needed each year. After receiving the vaccine, do not bathe the dog or take it outside, as this can reduce its immunity and weaken the antibody-producing ability, leading to immune failure.

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