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What to do when Samoyeds shed hair
When do Samoyeds shed hair?
The hair shed by Samoyeds usually starts to grow back in spring when the weather warms up and ends by late summer. During the shedding period, attention should be paid to the dog's nutrition. You can feed the dog with appropriate supplements such as lecithin to help with hair growth. If the shedding is too severe, you can shave the dog or use a lint-removing glove. By late autumn, the dog's hair has fully grown back, and the new hair is usually softer and more comfortable.
How long does Samoyed shedding last?
The shedding period for Samoyeds lasts about a month, and it takes around three months for the new hair to grow back completely. Puppies usually start shedding their puppy hair at around 4-5 months old and finish doing so at 6-7 months. It is not until the dog is about 10 months old that its hair grows back completely. Adult Samoyeds shed hair twice a year, in March-May and September-November.
What to watch out for during Samoyed shedding
If your Samoyed is shedding a lot of hair, it may be due to its seasonal shedding. You can maintain a habit of regular brushing, which usually lasts about 25 days. During shedding, you can feed the dog high-protein foods such as lecithin, egg yolk, and fish. Do not wash the dog too frequently, as it can damage the protective layer of the skin and lead to a decrease in skin immunity.
Don't worry too much about shedding, as it is a natural process for dogs to shed and regrow their hair. Just make sure to take good care of your dog during this period, and everything will be fine.