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What are the reasons for male cats spraying urine randomly?
There are generally three reasons for male cats spraying urine randomly: first, stress caused by external environmental stimuli; second, physiological factors such as male cat heat; and third, pathological factors, such as when cats have some urinary system diseases. For example, stress caused by heat may lead to urinary tract inflammation, cystitis, and urinary tract infections; or bladder stones, kidney inflammation, and so on.
External factors
Mainly来源于环境。猫咪是通过气味识别的动物,例如家里来了陌生人,或者添置了新家具等,这些都会产生新的气味。猫咪会因此受到应激,并通过随意喷尿来缓解自身的压力。 2. 所有的猫咪都非常爱干净,这一点从它们天生爱舔毛打理自己的毛发就不难看出。这就要求铲屎官要保证猫砂盆的干净,包括猫砂的清洁,既要尽量减少气味,又要减少灰尘;以及猫砂盆的清洁程度,猫咪在排尿排便结束后,铲屎官是否第一时间清理猫砂。如果这两点没有做到,猫咪也容易通过随意喷尿来表达自己的不满。
Physiological factors
When a male cat is in heat, it will use the smell of its urine to transmit signals and attract female cats. At the same time, it also uses this smell as a marker to vent its frustration and anxiety during the mating season.
- Pathological factors
When cats have some urinary system diseases, they may also exhibit random urination. For example, stress caused by heat can lead to inflammation of the urethra, cystitis, and urinary tract infections; or bladder stones, kidney inflammation, and so on. The specific situation requires specific analysis. When cat owners notice abnormalities in their pets, they should pay close attention to observation and recording, and consult a pet doctor in a timely manner.