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What's the matter with my dog's belly twitching while sleeping?

The main considerations for a dog's belly twitching while sleeping are as follows: first, dreaming, whether it's happy or scary dreams, can cause this phenomenon. Second, coldness: if a dog feels cold while sleeping, its belly may also twitch. Third, intestinal peristalsis: the food a dog eats during the day is digested at night, so the intestinal peristalsis is frequent. Fourth, intestinal spasms: if there is an intestinal obstruction, the intestinal tract will naturally contract and accelerate peristalsis to remove the obstruction. Fifth, parasites: if a large number of parasites swim and stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, it can cause a dog's belly to twitch.

  1. Dreaming

Just like humans, dogs also dream. When a dog dreams of something that makes it feel happy or scared, it can cause intestinal peristalsis, making its belly appear to twitch. Sometimes there are even noticeable physical movements or humming sounds. This is a normal situation, and owners don't need to worry too much. Gently stroke the dog's head to comfort it.

  1. Coldness

If a dog sleeps on a cold surface or in a low environment temperature, it may feel cold and cause belly twitches, and even shake. At this time, the owner needs to move the dog to a warm room to prevent colds. You can use air conditioning, electric heaters, blankets, etc. to keep the dog warm. Once the dog feels warm, it will naturally get better.

  1. Intestinal Peristalsis

Nighttime is the time for intestinal work. The food eaten during the day is digested while the dog is sleeping, so intestinal peristalsis is frequent, making the belly appear to twitch. This is also a normal phenomenon.

  1. Intestinal Spasms

Intestinal activity is controlled by nerves and intestinal hormones. Once there is an obstruction, the intestine will naturally contract and accelerate peristalsis to remove the blockage. You can use antispasmodic drugs combined with antibiotics for treatment. In addition, intestinal spasms often lead to various intestinal symptoms such as intussusception and intestinal obstruction in dogs. Therefore, when a dog has an intestinal spasm, timely treatment is necessary to avoid worsening the condition.

  1. Parasites

If you don't regularly deworm your dog, it may lead to infections of parasites such as roundworms, coccidia, and tapeworms. When a large number of parasites swim and stimulate the gastrointestinal tract, it can cause a dog's belly to twitch. If you look closely, you can even find eggshells or parasites in the dog's feces. If this is the case, it is recommended to immediately deworm the dog internally.