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What is feline seizuring?
Feline seizuring could be caused by dreams, calcium deficiency, encephalitis, toxoplasmosis, epilepsy, poisoning, and other conditions. Firstly, if the seizuring is caused by dreams, it is a normal phenomenon and there is no need to be overly concerned. Secondly, if the seizuring is accompanied by other uncomfortable reactions during the episode, such as skeletal malformations, headaches, foaming at the mouth, etc., it is recommended that the owner take the cat to a regular pet hospital for treatment in a timely manner.
- Dreams
If a cat has nightmares during sleep, it can lead to shock and cause limb seizuring. The owner should promptly comfort the cat, and special treatment is generally not required.
- Calcium Deficiency
If the cat is in the growth and development period, it will lead to a lack of large amounts of calcium in the body, affecting the normal development of the leg bones and causing muscle spasms in the legs, resulting in seizuring. The cat needs to take pet-specific calcium tablets according to the doctor's advice to improve the condition.
- Encephalitis
This is mainly caused by pathogen infections in the brain parenchyma, and symptoms include dizziness, headache, blurred vision, consciousness disorders, and fever. As the disease progresses, it can cause damage to the cerebral cortex and lead to involuntary limb seizuring. Treatment involves taking antibiotics and antiviral drugs according to the doctor's advice.
- Toxoplasmosis
This is usually a contagious disease caused by toxoplasma infection, and symptoms include headache, loss of appetite, and seizuring when the immune system is weakened. The cat needs to take deworming drugs according to the doctor's advice to improve the condition.
- Epilepsy
If a cat already has epilepsy, seizures can cause whole-body seizuring and loss of consciousness. Treatment involves taking antiepileptic drugs under a doctor's guidance.
- Poisoning
If a cat accidentally eats expired food or drugs, it can lead to poisoning, causing foaming at the mouth and seizuring. Treatment involves gastric lavage and induced vomiting under a doctor's guidance.