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What happens when a cat sees its owner being affectionate?

If there is no intention to breed, it is best to spay or neuter the cat before its first heat, as even after neutering, the cat may still exhibit some heat-induced behaviors. The best way to help a cat through its heat cycle is to use a catnip toy or ball to divert its attention, give it extra affection, and offer a variety of cat cans or wet food. Do not give the cat a bath during its heat cycle.

When do cats go into heat?

Cats are seasonally polyestrous, with heats occurring in spring and autumn. Cats usually reach puberty at the age of 6-10 months. For example, a kitten born in June will reach sexual maturity in January of the following year, and may then exhibit its first heat. However, a kitten born in March may reach the age and weight required for its first heat during the off-peak breeding season, but it may not exhibit heat until January or February of the following year.

Symptoms of cat heat

Symptoms of a cat's heat include:

  1. Male cats may urinate randomly everywhere, rarely using the litter box, and exhibit mating behaviors by mounting other cats.
  2. Female cats become excited and wander around everywhere. Their appetite decreases or they may stop eating altogether. They become more affectionate, approach male cats actively, and repeatedly display mating behaviors.
  3. The female cat's vulva swells and clear fluid leaks out.

What to do when a cat is in heat

When a cat is in heat, it may become anxious and constantly scream. This is when you can use a catnip toy or ball to divert its attention, give it extra affection, and offer a variety of cat cans or wet food to help alleviate its emotions and assist it through the heat cycle. During its heat, the female cat's uterus becomes swollen and fragile, so do not use cotton swabs to rub on it to help it through the heat. Male cats are sensitive during their heat, so be careful not to get scratched or bitten.