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Do cats regard their owners as mothers?
Yes, cats can regard their owners as mothers. Cats are gentle and emotional animals, and they can develop emotional bonds with their owners. When a kitten first arrives at its new home, it might be afraid of humans. However, as the owner plays with the kitten and feeds it, the kitten gradually becomes closer to the owner and develops affection and dependence on them.
How long does it take for a kitten to recognize its owner?
Cats generally recognize their owners when they are about two months old, when they can start eating cat food. Cats will become close to the person who feeds them and treats them well. If the cat is not raised from a young age, it might regard the owner as a friend. If raised from a young age, it might regard the owner as its mother. However, if the owner frequently neglects to feed and accompany the cat, the cat might gradually become distant from them over time.
How do cats recognize their owners?
Cats have highly developed senses, and they recognize their owners through a combination of visual, olfactory, and auditory cues. Cat cones cells can only perceive green and blue, so they can only recognize a limited number of colors. Compared to human vision, their perception of the world is blurry. However, this does not hinder cats from recognizing human faces, and they can also distinguish between different cat faces.
How to determine that a cat has recognized its owner?
When a cat recognizes you as its owner, it will accompany you. Cats can produce purring sounds. Cats are generally cautious and rarely expose their fondness for others. When a cat produces this sound, it means they are happy. Cats can expose their bellies, which is their weakness. They will only expose their bellies when they trust you deeply. Cats also rub their heads against you. Cats mark their territory by rubbing their cheeks against objects. When a cat rubs its head against you, it means the cat has recognized you as its owner.