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What to do if a Teddy dog has a low fever due to a cold

A low fever in a Teddy dog due to a cold indicates possible organ failure or hypothermia caused by extremely low environmental temperatures. Immediate warmth should be provided for the dog. Clinically, it is feared more of a low temperature than a high one. First, determine the cause of the dog's cold, and investigate diseases such as canine distemper and parvovirus. Treat the dog according to the confirmed cause.

Is a low body temperature a sign of failure?

A dog's low body temperature is not only an indicator of organ failure. For example, low temperatures in young dogs may also be due to low blood sugar or severe anemia. To determine if a dog is experiencing failure, internal organ indicators such as biochemical indicators and routine blood test results must be considered. Generally, a low body temperature indicates that the dog may experience shock at any time.

The cure rate for a cold with a low fever

As long as positive treatment measures are taken, the cure rate for this condition is very high. Dogs with weak bodies, anemia, or severe malnutrition, coupled with catching a cold, may experience a decrease in body temperature. It is recommended that owners take their dogs to the hospital in time for warmth and symptomatic treatment to prevent shock caused by continuously dropping body temperature.

Diet during a cold

A dog's cold can slow down its gastrointestinal peristalsis. You can feed the dog easy-to-digest, nourishing food rich in vitamins and fluid foods, such as softened dog food, meat broth, and meat congee. If the dog is unwilling to eat, the owner can put the food in a syringe and slowly push it into the dog's mouth from the side.