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How to reduce a fever in a Teddy dog

When a dog has a fever, you can reduce it through physical cooling and drug cooling. Physical cooling requires the dog to drink more water and urinate more, which carries heat away from the body through urine. You can also wipe the dog's body with 75% alcohol or warm water, focusing on areas such as the limbs, chest, and back. Drug cooling can be achieved through oral medication, injection, or intravenous administration.

What to do if your dog has a fever

A dog with a fever will have a poor mental state, be lethargic, and less active than usual. It may also exhibit signs such as lowering its head, hanging its tail, standing still, and having a slow response. To confirm the diagnosis, you must take the dog's temperature, preferably using an anal thermometer. Disinfect the thermometer with alcohol and insert it into the dog's anus for three minutes. A dog's normal temperature ranges from 37.5 to 38.5 degrees, with puppies having slightly higher temperatures. If the dog's temperature exceeds 39.5 degrees, it means the dog has a fever.

To quickly reduce a fever, take the dog to the vet for a complete blood count test to determine the cause of the illness. If the fever is not too severe and there is no pet hospital nearby, you can implement nursing care:

  1. Encourage the dog to drink more water to promote urination and lower its temperature.
  2. Administer antiviral medication such as banlangen.
  3. Wipe the dog's limbs, chest, back, and neck with 75% alcohol or warm water.
  4. Use cold compresses soaked in ice water or cool water.

When does a dog have a fever?

A dog's normal temperature should be between 38 and 39 degrees. To determine if a dog has a fever, you should measure its temperature. Insert the thermometer into the dog's anus. If the dog's temperature stays above 39 degrees for a long time, it means the dog has a fever. If the temperature reaches 40.5 degrees, it indicates a high fever.

What injections to give a dog with a fever

When a dog has a fever, you can inject flunixin meglumine, which has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and fever-reducing effects. It can be used alone or in combination with antibiotics for better fever reduction. However, it's essential to remember that a fever is a common clinical symptom and not a diagnosis itself. It is recommended to take the dog to a nearby veterinary hospital for examination and identification of the underlying cause to address the disease fundamentally.