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What to do if your dog is afraid of people

Dog afraid of people: First and foremost, the owner needs to spend more time comforting and accompanying the dog. Over time, the dog will naturally become closer to humans. Secondly, the owner can take the dog out for more walks, allowing the dog to interact with the outside world. Additionally, the owner can encourage the dog to socialize more, enabling it to interact with other dogs and strangers, which will increase the dog's courage. Furthermore, the owner needs to provide correct guidance for the dog. When the dog is no longer afraid of people,适当的奖励 can be given to help the dog build confidence.

  1. Spend more time comforting and accompanying your dog

When a dog arrives at its new home, it usually appears particularly nervous, scared, and timid. Therefore, the owner must spend more time reassuring and accompanying the dog. You can prepare a warm, comfortable, and clean environment for the dog in advance, and ensure there is enough food and water. Once the dog begins to relax and even show curiosity about its surroundings, the owner can start interacting with it using toys or treats, which will increase the dog's trust in its owner.

  1. Take your dog on more walks

Some young dogs are afraid of strangers because they have limited exposure to the outside world and lack a sense of security. Once the dog is over three months old and has been vaccinated, the owner can take it on more walks, allowing it to interact with more people and things. Over time, the dog will no longer be afraid.

  1. Encourage your dog to socialize

Dogs, like humans, need socialization. Therefore, owners should let their dogs socialize more regularly. By playing with healthy dogs and becoming accustomed to interacting with pets or strangers, dogs will become less afraid. However, be sure not to force the dog, as this will only make it more fearful and timid.

  1. Provide correct guidance

In addition to the above measures, owners also need to give their dogs proper guidance. For example, when the dog is willing to go outside and is not afraid of people, you can reward it to help build its confidence. However, when the dog starts to avoid and escape from people out of fear, don't pay attention to it and don't give it any rewards. Otherwise, it will misunderstand the owner's approval of this behavior.