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How to Stop a Dog from Chasing People

There are three main methods to stop a dog from chasing people: loudly calling its name, conducting follow-up training, and sending it to a pet training school. If the dog's chasing is not too severe, the owner can shout its name when it's about to chase someone,转移它的注意力,并对狗狗进行跟随训练,以 break its habit of chasing people. However, if the dog's chasing is a serious problem, the owner should send it to a pet training school in time to have professionals train it.

  1. Loudly Call Its Name

Dogs usually bark continuously before chasing people. At this time, owners should pay attention to the dog's movements. If they notice the dog preparing to chase someone, they should loudly call its name to divert its attention from the person.

  1. Conduct Follow-up Training

To break the dog's habit of chasing people, continuous training is necessary to make it accustomed to listening to the owner's commands. When the dog is about to chase someone, shout at it and give it some punishment,如轻轻拍打它的屁股等,让它知道这种行为是错误的。When the dog obeys and stays quiet, the owner can praise it and give it some treats as rewards. Over time, the dog will learn not to chase people randomly.

  1. Send It to a Pet Training School

If the dog's chasing problem is severe and the owner can't correct it, it's essential to send the dog to a specialized pet training school as soon as possible to have professionals help adjust its habits.