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What to do if your dog refuses to eat, vomits, and seems lethargic
There are many reasons for dog vomiting. Vomiting caused by improper diet usually does not require specific medication. You can feed your dog probiotics or glucose water. For gastrointestinal diseases, use anti-vomiting drugs containing ingredients such as citric acid maropitant, and combine anti-infective treatment; for parasite infections, choose internal deworming drugs; after poisoning, go to the hospital immediately for emetic and gastric lavage treatment; for foreign object ingestion, diagnose through B-ultrasound or DR and surgically remove the object; viral infectious diseases are dangerous for dogs and require immediate hospitalization; and liver, kidney, or pancreatic inflammation also require immediate medical attention, otherwise it may threaten your dog's life.
- Improper feeding
Vomiting can be caused by extreme hunger, eating too much or oily cold food, or eating too fast. Generally, specific medication is not needed. Dog owners can first feed their dogs probiotics or glucose water, and then observe their condition at any time. If the vomiting does not improve, go to the pet hospital for inspection and treatment.
- Gastrointestinal diseases
If vomiting is caused by a gastrointestinal disease, first check and diagnose through a blood test and CRP. Then use drugs containing citric acid maropitant to stop the dog's vomiting. As the dog's stomach and intestines usually have inflammation at this time, combined anti-infective and anti-inflammatory treatment is also necessary.
- Parasite infections
Intestinal parasites such as coccidia, toxoplasmosis, and roundworms can also cause vomiting and diarrhea in dogs. In severe cases, the dog may even vomit live parasites. It is recommended to immediately use drugs containing abamectin and pyrantel to emergency deworm the dog. Be sure to choose the appropriate deworming drug dose according to the dog's weight when purchasing.
- Poisoning
Poisoning usually occurs suddenly, such as rat poison or organophosphorus insecticide poisoning. In addition to vomiting, dogs may also show symptoms such as lethargy, trembling, and foaming at the mouth. At this time, immediately feed the dog soap water or diluted hydrogen peroxide to help it vomit out the poison and take it to the nearest pet hospital for emetic and gastric lavage treatment.
- Foreign object ingestion
If a dog ingests a foreign object, it will stimulate the stomach and intestines, causing vomiting. The owner needs to take the dog to the hospital for diagnosis through B-ultrasound or DR, and after determining the location of the object, surgically remove it.
- Viral infectious diseases
Dogs infected with viruses such as parvovirus, coronavirus, and distemper will also show symptoms of vomiting and lethargy. However, the vomiting is more severe, with frequencies reaching nearly ten times a day. These infectious diseases have a high mortality rate, so it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately and use antibiotics, interferon, and other drugs for treatment.
- Internal organ diseases
When a dog has internal organ problems, it can also cause vomiting. For example, when the kidney and liver are damaged, it can cause vomiting and diarrhea. Additionally, vomiting is a common symptom of pancreatitis. Internal organ problems are usually serious and require immediate medical attention. Therefore, dog owners should pay attention to their dog's diet and feed them low-fat, high-carbohydrate, and moderately protein-rich dog food.