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What's going on when a dog raises its butt?

There are common reasons for a dog to raise its butt, such as stretching, heat, being cute, and defense. However, if a dog suddenly starts raising its butt frequently, it could also be due to severe abdominal pain, such as pancreatitis, which has a typical symptom of prolonged butt-raising. If you suspect that your dog is raising its butt due to abdominal pain, it's best to send it to a pet hospital for inspection, identify the cause, and then treat it.

  1. Stretching

If your dog raises its butt after just waking up or after staying in one position for a long time, it's likely stretching its muscles and body. This is a normal phenomenon, and you don't need to worry too much, but don't interrupt it either, or the dog will feel uncomfortable.

  1. Heat

If your female dog hasn't been spayed and suddenly starts raising its butt, it might be in heat. You can observe your dog's vulva to see if there's any bloody discharge, which indicates it's in heat. During this period, pay special attention to your dog's external genital organ hygiene and regularly clean it. If you don't want your dog to breed, avoid exposing it to the opposite sex and consider spaying it after the heat is over.

  1. Being cute

Some dogs will raise their butts when they meet their owners after a separation, as a way to show affection. They'll also follow their owners around and wag their tails, hoping for some playtime. Don't worry about this behavior; just spend more time playing with your dog, which helps strengthen the bond between you.

  1. Defense

When a dog encounters danger or threatens itself, it may raise its butt, accompanied by growls, and a fierce and serious facial expression. The growl is a warning, while the raised butt is for defense and preparation for attack. In this case, gently reassure your dog to calm it down.

  1. Severe abdominal pain

If your dog suddenly starts raising its butt frequently, it could be due to abdominal pain caused by diseases such as gastroenteritis, parvovirus, or pancreatitis. This results in the dog assuming a hunched back position and raising its butt. If your dog looks painful when raising its butt, it's best to take it to the pet hospital as soon as possible to identify the cause and treat it accordingly.