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Why do cats with cat distemper love to sleep

Cat distemper easily causes hemorrhage and edema in the intestines, mainly manifested as vomiting and diarrhea. The number of white blood cells in the blood routine is very low, and severe anemia can occur in cats with distemper. Cats with distemper often exhibit the phenomenon of liking to sleep. The gastrointestinal tract of cats is relatively fragile, so it is recommended to feed prescription cat food for the intestine for a period of time. Low white blood cell counts can also lead to low immunity in cats, so it is recommended to take immunostimulating drugs.

What are the characteristics of cat distemper?

The clinical characteristics of cat distemper mainly include diarrhea, vomiting, decreased mental and appetite, bloody stools, increased body temperature, and low white blood cells. This disease mostly occurs in young cats who have not been vaccinated. There is a certain mortality rate after infection, so owners need to take their cats to the pet hospital in time to vaccinate and prevent the cat from becoming ill.

Why can't cats with cat distemper drink water?

Cats with cat distemper who have vomiting symptoms need to be fasting and dehydrated, and then receive fluid therapy. This is because drinking water can stimulate the gastrointestinal tract and exacerbate the vomiting symptoms. If the cat does not have vomiting symptoms, it can be given small amounts of water and easy-to-digest food多次喂水。Research shows that early feeding and water intake can promote faster and better recovery of gastrointestinal diseases.

Feeding cats with cat distemper

After a cat develops cat distemper, owners need to closely observe its symptoms. When the cat has a vomiting response, it is not recommended to feed it, as feeding may exacerbate the vomiting response. If the cat does not have vomiting symptoms, it is appropriate to feed the cat some cat food, but avoid feeding other foods or snacks to prevent further burdening the digestive tract. It is best to soak the cat food in advance and mix in a suitable amount of probiotics for feeding. Try to feed small meals frequently.