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Why do Samoyeds kill small dogs?

There are many reasons why a Samoyed might kill a small dog, besides the dog's personality. It could be a manifestation of playing with the small dog or a warning from the adult dog due to the presence of parasites on the young dog. It's also worth noting if the small dog exhibits behavior of fighting for food with a larger dog. If necessary, separate feeding should be implemented.

Reasons why a Samoyed bites a small dog

There are several reasons why a mother dog might bite her puppies. It could be to remove foreign objects from the puppies' bodies, such as parasites. It could also be due to training or playfulness. Or it might be a way for the mother dog to warn and educate the puppies if they have angered her. Generally, mother dogs do not bite their puppies too seriously. If owners are worried, they can separate them in time.

How to stop a large dog from biting a small dog

This is closely related to the dog's personality, or if the small dog is fighting for food, territory, or playing with the large dog. To maintain their possessions, the large dog might attack the small dog. It's best to separate the large and small dogs during feeding, and the owner should sternly discipline the large dog to make it aware that attacking small dogs is wrong.

**How long after giving birth does a mother dog stop protecting her puppies?

It depends on the dog mother's maternal instincts. Generally, before the puppies are two months old, the dog mother is very protective of them, sometimes even preventing the owner from approaching. In some cases, however, the dog mother might abandon her puppies immediately after birth. In this case, the owner must take responsibility for caring for the puppies and monitor the mother dog's milk supply daily.