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Care and Training Tips for Corgis
1. Skin Disease:* Corgis have thick fur, which makes it difficult to dry their skin after bathing.
2. Care After Bathing:* Make sure to thoroughly inspect their fur to ensure it is completely dry after bathing.
3. Prone to Skin Diseases:* Corgis are susceptible to skin diseases, particularly around the elbows and under the belly.
4. Easy to become overweight:* Corgis are not picky eaters, which makes them prone to obesity. Overweight can lead to health problems, so be sure to control their food intake. Feed them until they are 70% full—corgis can withstand hunger, so don't worry about starving them.
5. Short Legs:* Corgis have short legs, which makes going up and down stairs more challenging than other small dogs. They look like little bunnies hopping around. Try to minimize the amount of stairs they climb, as it can be harmful to their backs.