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Dog Spaying and Neutering Precautions

Dog Spaying and Neutering Precautions:

  1. Stop Feeding and Drinking: Before the surgery, dogs should refrain from eating and drinking for 8 hours to prevent vomiting during anesthesia.
  2. Vaccination Completion: Ensure that your dog's vaccinations are up-to-date to reduce the risk of infection.
  3. Pre-operative Biochemical Exam: A pre-operative biochemical examination is necessary to assess your dog's physical condition and determine whether they are suitable for the surgery.

On the Day of the Surgery:

  1. Fastening: Dogs should not be fed or given water for 8 hours before the surgery to prevent choking during the operation.
  2. Vaccination Completion: Ensure that your dog's vaccinations are up-to-date to reduce the risk of infection.
  3. Pre-operative Biochemical Exam: A pre-operative biochemical examination is necessary to assess your dog's physical condition and determine whether they are suitable for the surgery.

After the Surgery:

  1. Food and Water: Do not feed your dog immediately after the surgery. Wait for about 6 hours before feeding. Start with easily digestible food such as meat congee or nutritional paste, and follow a meal plan of small, frequent feedings.
  2. Elizabethan Collar: Fit your dog with an Elizabethan collar to prevent them from licking the surgical wound and causing infection.
  3. Activity Limitation: Restrict your dog's vigorous exercise for a few days to prevent wound撕裂.

When your dog is around 6 to 8 months old, you can take them to the veterinary hospital for spaying or neutering if there are no breeding requirements. Spaying and neutering can effectively prevent dogs from suffering reproductive system diseases such as uterine pyometra, ovarian cancer, and testicular cancer, potentially extending their life span. Moreover, it can reduce the number of stray dogs and alleviate the distress they experience during estrus.