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How to distinguish the gender of a cat

Distinguishing the gender of a cat can be done by observing the distance between the genitals and the anus, the shape of the anus and genitals, and the presence of testicles (balls). These methods are relatively easy to identify. However, it is also possible to judge the gender by observing the personality, facial shape, and fur of the cat, but these methods are not foolproof. To be completely sure, it is still necessary to rely on the genitals.

  1. Observing the distance between the genitals and the anus

Generally, male cats have a longer distance between their genitals and the anus, about 2 centimeters. Female cats have a much shorter distance, about 1 centimeter. Therefore, if the genitals are farther from the anus, the cat is likely male, and if they are closer, the cat is likely female.

  1. Observing the shape of the anus and genitals

The external genital opening of female cats is triangular or flattened, similar to the shape of a teardrop or an inverted exclamation mark ("¡"). Male cats have a round or near-round external genital opening, looking like a colon (":"). By observing the shape of the anus and genitals, you can also determine the sex of the cat.

  1. Checking for testicles (balls)

If the cat is an unneutered adult, the identification method is simple: if there are balls between the anus and the urethra, it's a male cat. If not, it's a female cat. Even neutered male cats will still have scrotal remnants but no testicles, while female cats will have no scrotum or testicles.

  1. Observing personality

Male and female cats have different personalities. Male cats are generally more active, playful, and affectionate than female cats, who are comparatively quieter and more independent. Male cats are also more likely to be attached to their owners than female cats.

  1. Looking at the face

Because male cats usually develop a round face and larger body size, it is easy to distinguish them from female cats. Female cats do not develop a round face, so their faces appear smaller, and their body size is generally smaller than male cats.

  1. Observing fur

The pattern and color of a cat's fur can also help determine its gender, but this method is not foolproof. For example, tortoiseshell and calico cats are almost always female, while orange cats are generally male. These observations are based on genetic inheritance and are the result of scientific statistics.

Note: The information provided is for general guidance and should not be used as a definitive method for sexing cats. Always consult a veterinarian or expert if you are unsure of the gender of a cat.