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How to Encourage Milk Production in Cats

There are several methods to encourage milk production in cats:

  1. Feed cats high-protein foods

When a cat has no milk, you can encourage milk production by feeding it high-protein foods, such as light fish soup, chicken soup, and pig's foot soup. However, be sure not to add salt when preparing these soups to avoid adding burden to the cat's kidneys. Also, be cautious when feeding cats fish soup and remove any bones to prevent the cat from choking. Moreover, you should also increase the supply of nutrients to the cat, such as feeding it meat products or cans with high protein content.

  1. Give cats breast massages

When encouraging milk production in cats, you can use a warm towel to apply heat to the cat's breasts for 10-20 minutes, and gently massage the breasts. Do not squeeze too hard. Also, it is best to disinfect both your hands and the cat's nipples during the massage to prevent infection.

  1. Inject oxytocin

The simplest way to encourage milk production in cats is to inject oxytocin at a pet hospital. Generally, cats need to be injected with 3-4 units of oxytocin daily, once a day, for 3-4 consecutive days, which can help the cat produce more milk.

Note: Always consult a veterinarian before attempting any of these methods and follow their guidance.