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Do dead puppies expire automatically?
Dead puppies usually do not expire automatically in most cases. If a dog has already started giving birth and a dead puppy occurs, it may expire automatically. However, it is still recommended to inject oxytocin into the dog to help it expel the dead puppy and uterine contents as soon as possible. This prevents the contents from causing infection in the dog's uterus, leading to diseases such as pyometra and uterinitis.
How to help a dog expel a dead puppy
If the dead puppy does not expire within 24 hours, it is recommended to inject oxytocin into the dog.
If the dog cannot expel the dead puppy even after being injected with oxytocin, it is advised to take the dog to a pet hospital for a cesarean section as soon as possible.
If the dead puppy stays in the abdomen for too long, it may cause the dead puppy to dissolve in the abdomen, possibly leading to pyometra and other symptoms. In this case, in addition to injecting oxytocin to help expel the uterine contents, it is necessary to flush the uterus with physiological saline or 2% boric acid solution, and administer antibiotics.
How to care for a dog after giving birth to a dead puppy
After a dog gives birth to a dead puppy, there is usually inflammation in the uterus, so it is necessary to prevent persistent infection and pyometra. Care points include:
Frequently clean the dog's vulva and keep the environment clean and dry to prevent bacterial reverse infection.
Give the dog oral or injectable antibiotics for preventive treatment.
Administer herbal remedies such as motherwort tablets orally to help expel uterine contents.
Additionally, pay close attention to whether the dog's spirit deteriorates. If it does, it indicates worsening infection and the dog should be taken to a pet hospital as soon as possible.