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How to Correct a Dog's Aggression towards Its Owner

When a dog is aggressive towards its owner, it means that it has not truly recognized its owner. A dog that has recognized its owner will not be aggressive towards them. Recognizing its owner requires a certain amount of time and a process. When the dog becomes relaxed and willing to play with you, it means that the dog is accepting you. At this point, it is necessary for the owner to strengthen the dog's training, so that it understands that being aggressive towards the owner is wrong.

For the taming of a dog, it is generally best to complete it before the dog is eight months old. Dogs under eight months are the most easily tamed. If the dog has bad habits, it is necessary to correct them quickly. As soon as the dog shows aggression towards the owner, it is necessary to stop it immediately, otherwise, it will be difficult to manage the dog once it grows up. However, it is more difficult to tame adult dogs or those with a naturally aggressive temperament.

To avoid aggression from a dog towards its owner, you should do the following:

(1) Spend more time playing outside with your dog to build affection. The bond between dogs and humans is gradually cultivated. If you have a newly purchased puppy, it is normal for it to be aggressive towards its owner because it is not familiar with you. You should take it outside frequently, feed it good food, and soon it will become close to you. If it is very familiar with you, it will not be aggressive towards you.

(2) Observe the dog's emotions. Dogs also have emotional fluctuations. If the dog is in heat but cannot find a mate, or if it has been a long time since it went outside and becomes frustrated, the dog might bark loudly at its owner to vent its emotions. Remember, dogs should not be aggressive towards their owners, and you should give it a small punishment to make it remember.

(3) Respect the dog. Do not stare at the dog. In dog language, staring means wanting to fight. If you stare at the dog, it will think you are challenging it. Some brave dogs will become aggressive and bark at you! After getting to know the dog, the owner should only stare at it when it has made a mistake. You can use a fierce gaze to make it aware of its mistake, subdue the dog, and make it both love and fear you.