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How to determine the hierarchy between two cats

To determine the hierarchy between two cats, you can observe their behavior when eating, fighting, interacting with each other, and their possessiveness towards objects.

  1. Eating habits

The cat that eats first is usually the dominant one in the hierarchy.

  1. Fighting

If the cats haven't established a hierarchy, they will usually fight simultaneously when they have a conflict. However, if the hierarchy has been established, the submissive cat will not be the one to initiate the fight. Although they may resist, they will quickly show their belly to indicate submission.

  1. Interaction

The submissive cat is often treated as a cushion by the dominant one. When you see two cats lying together, the one underneath is likely the lower-ranked cat.此外,当地位高的猫咪经过地位低的猫咪身边时,他们会直接无视,而地位低的猫咪则会明显地躲避。

  1. Possessiveness towards objects

After establishing the hierarchy, if both cats want the same toy, the weaker one will choose to let the stronger one have it and move on to play with other toys.

Note: It is normal for cats to have a sense of hierarchy among themselves. Owners do not need to take measures to make the cats completely equal, as this will only destroy the balance they have found among each other, exacerbate conflicts between them, and even lead to fights.