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What are the symptoms of a cat's menstruation?

Cats do not experience menstruation. They are stimulated ovulators. During their heat cycle, they do not ovulate. If a female cat is mated with a male cat, she will ovulate. After the mating, the cat will stop ovulating, and the heat cycle will end. Throughout this process, cats do not experience menstruation. Unlike dogs, which ovulate during their heat cycle and show blood flow from their vulva, cats only secrete a small amount of clear sticky fluid from their vulva. Cats are seasonal polyestrous animals, with each cycle lasting 3-10 days. If a cat shows signs of vaginal bleeding, the owner should take it to the vet for inspection and treatment, as it could be a symptom of a health problem.

How long does a cat's menstruation last?

Cats do not experience menstruation, only humans and primates do. Cats are different from dogs, who bleed from their vulva during their heat cycle. Cats only secrete a small amount of clear sticky fluid from their vulva. They are seasonal polyestrous animals, with each cycle lasting 3-10 days. If a cat shows signs of vaginal bleeding, the owner should take it to the vet for inspection and treatment, as it could be a symptom of a health problem.

What are the symptoms of a cat's menstruation?

The symptoms of a female cat's heat cycle are different from those of dogs. Female cats, which are seasonal polyestrous animals, usually show behavioral changes, such as lying down, lifting their hindquarters, making strange noises, and being sensitive to touching their backs. Cats do not menstruate during their heat cycle, and their reproduction mode is ovulation after mating, which is different from other animals. Therefore, female cats do not menstruate during their heat cycle.

What to do when a cat has menstruation?

During their heat cycle, cats may have secretions from their vulva, but these secretions are usually clear fluids that cats can lick away. Owners do not need to worry. However, cats may exhibit symptoms of anxiety, restlessness, and decreased appetite during their heat cycle. If the owner does not plan to breed the cat, they can feed the cat a hormone suppressant before the heat cycle or opt for spaying surgery.