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What are the symptoms of cat roundworm disease?

Cat roundworm disease can cause malnutrition, diarrhea, bloody stools, and other symptoms. Severe diarrhea can lead to low blood sugar and shock in cats, requiring timely treatment. Generally, diagnosis requires microscope examination of cat feces to observe roundworm eggsacs. Treatment involves using sulfonamide drugs, and if severe dehydration occurs, intravenous fluid therapy may be needed to maintain electrolyte balance. Additionally, cats should be dewormed regularly to prevent infection.

Cat roundworm disease is a common internal parasite infection caused by roundworms. The main symptom is watery, mucoid diarrhea, which damages the cat's intestinal walls. The disease is mainly contracted when roundworm eggsacs are ingested through water or food. It's essential to maintain cat food hygiene. Additionally, roundworm eggsacs can survive in soil for a long time, and if owners accidentally come into contact with contaminated soil, they may bring the eggsacs home and infect their cats.

Symptoms of cat roundworm disease include lethargy, loss of appetite, vomiting, and bloody stools. Severe cases can be life-threatening. Therefore, owners should regularly deworm their cats to prevent infection. When cats show symptoms, they should be taken to a pet hospital for microscope examination to confirm the diagnosis. Treatment involves using sulfonamide drugs, and cats with severe bloody stools may require blood clotting therapy. Follow-up fecal examinations are necessary during the initial treatment (1-2 weeks) to ensure the roundworms are gone.

When taking cats outdoors, avoid letting them contact soil to prevent them from eating their feces or coming into contact with other pets' feces. If multiple cats live in the same household, provide each with its own litter box to avoid infection. Regularly clean and disinfect the cat's living environment and litter boxes, and promptly clean up after the cat defecates to prevent reinfection. Deworm cats regularly for prevention.