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What to pay attention to when raising a small dog after birth

Dogs may experience low blood calcium, low blood sugar, and anemia after giving birth, and the process of giving birth consumes a significant amount of energy. Therefore, postpartum care is particularly important. During the lactation period, the mother dog's food should be switched to milk cake or specialized pregnancy dog food, and oral calcium and blood supplements should also be given. particularly large-breed or small-breed dogs should supplement this aspect of nutrition to prevent postpartum diseases.

How to care for a dog after birth

Here are some points to note when caring for a dog after birth: You can feed the mother dog some meat to increase nutrition during the nursing period. If you are worried about bacterial infection after birth, you can use alcohol swabs to disinfect the nipples, but wait 15 minutes before nursing otherwise it will lead to alcohol poisoning in the puppies. If the mother dog gives birth to many puppies, you can assist nursing by feeding specialized pet goat milk powder. Do not feed the mother dog animal innards during nursing.

Can dogs give birth by themselves?

Usually, dogs can complete childbirth on their own, but if it's the dog's first time giving birth, the owner needs to pay attention to whether the dog is experiencing difficulties. Symptoms of difficulty include labor contractions lasting more than 2 hours without a puppy being born, intervals between puppies lasting more than an hour, premature placental detachment, and pregnancy lasting more than 70 days without giving birth. If any of these conditions occur, the owner should immediately take the dog to the hospital for assistance or treatment. When a dog is pregnant, the owner should pay attention to supplementing the dog's calcium intake to effectively avoid insufficient labor.

What to feed a dog after birth

In the first few days after giving birth, feed the dog with small meals and a variety of easily digestible and absorbable foods such as meat broth, rice soup, and milk. After giving birth, the dog needs not only to replenish its own nutrients but also to ensure adequate milk production. Therefore, the amount and nutritional density of the food fed should be maintained at a high level. For dogs with insufficient milk, you can feed pork joint soup or fresh fish soup.