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What's going on when a dog rubs its butt?

Rubbing its butt may be due to a parasite infection, which requires deworming both internally and externally for the dog. Secondly, it could be a skin disease caused by prolonged contact of dirt with the dog's skin, resulting in itching and redness. To alleviate the discomfort, the dog will rub its butt. In this case, removing the hair around the affected area and applying antibacterial medications can help.

  1. Parasite infection

If a dog doesn't receive proper deworming, parasites moving in the intestine can cause anal itching. Moreover, when a dog is infected with external parasites such as fleas and lice biting around the butt, it can also lead to itching. To relieve the discomfort, the dog will rub its butt on the ground. In this situation, the owner can consult a pet doctor in time and choose suitable deworming medications.

  1. Skin disease

If a dog's hair is long and dirt has been in contact with its skin for a long time, bacteria will breed and cause skin problems, including itching and redness. To alleviate this discomfort, the dog will rub its butt. In this case, trimming the hair around the affected area and applying antibacterial medications are necessary. Severe cases can even be treated with medicated baths.

  1. Anal gland inflammation

If the owner doesn't clean the dog's anal glands regularly, the anal gland fluid cannot be discharged, causing blockage and inflammation. This leads to itching around the anus, prompting the dog to rub its butt to alleviate the discomfort. In this situation, it's essential to immediately clean the dog's anal glands and express the excess anal gland fluid. If it's difficult to perform at home, seek professional help at a pet hospital.

  1. Foreign objects in the anal area

Sometimes, a dog experiences soft stools or diarrhea due to intestinal discomfort, easily getting feces stuck in its hair. This causes discomfort, prompting the dog to rub its butt to remove the foreign objects. In this case, clean the affected area and monitor the dog's bowel movements.